Finding a film: some advice

Looking to watch a good movie but don’t know what to choose? Want to find a series or documentary you’re passionate about? Follow the tips in this article and you’ll never run out of inspiration again!

The different ways to find a movie

These days, it’s easier than ever to find what we need and be entertained in front of the television. With the many streaming platforms available (Netflix, YouTube, etc.), we are spoilt for choice when it comes to movies, series, documentaries and more. But among all this content, how do we find the movie we need?

Ask your friends

Sometimes, there is nothing like asking your friends to find a movie! By chatting with them, you can share your tastes and desires, and you may find titles you didn’t know about. Only people who are close to you know what you need, so don’t hesitate to ask their opinion!

Conduct personalized searches

If you don’t want to waste too much time, do personalized searches online. On Netflix, for example, you can refine your search by using a combination of filters. “Genres,” “year,” “language,” “format”… You have several criteria to find the type of content you’re looking for. Use these tools to disrupt your habits and discover titles that are out of the ordinary.

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Try automatic selections

Some platforms also have automatic selections to help you find a movie. One example is YouTube, which has a section called “Popular Movies” that groups together the content that people like the most. Once you’re logged in, you can also check your notifications to see if personalized recommendations have been made for you.

Go to a specialized service

Finally, there are specialized services that suggest content based on your tastes. If you’re curious and like to discover undiscovered titles, you can turn to apps like FilmFinder. These are designed to give you precise and relevant suggestions on the types of movies that interest you the most.

How to get the most out of your movie?

Once you’ve found a movie to watch, you now need to make sure it’s watched in the best possible conditions. Here are a few tips on how to get the most out of your movie moment.

Choose the right time and the right setting

The first tip we can give you to enjoy a movie is to choose an appropriate time and location. Choose a quiet time where you won’t be interrupted and make yourself comfortable. For example, you can have a movie marathon under the comforter, on your couch, at the cinema… It all depends on what you prefer.

Turn off your phone and distractions

When you’re watching a movie, try to stay away from distractions like your cell phone or computer as much as possible. Turn off any devices that might distract you and erase any intention to multitask. Stay focused on your movie and enjoy the show!

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Talk after the movie

Once you’ve finished your movie, take time to discuss what you saw. This can be done alone, with friends or family, and is a great way to share your impressions and learn to better appreciate the feature film. You can even take it a step further and think about the symbolism, themes and meaning.

It’s not always easy to find a movie you like. But thanks to the tips in this article, you’ll now know how to organize yourself to find the best movies and learn how to enjoy them to the fullest!

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