le black book de netflix : nollywood frappe fort et bouleverse le top 10 mondial !

Netflix’s Black Book: Nollywood hits hard and shakes up the world’s Top 10!

The Black Book, an action thriller produced and directed by Editi Effiong, has enjoyed phenomenal success on the Netflix streaming platform. Since its release, the film has made it into the top ten titles viewed in no fewer than 69 countries. This success testifies to the international expansion of Nollywood, the Nigerian film industry. In …

Introduction : Fantastic Home a récemment lancé sa première collection de décoration intérieure, fabriquée exclusivement en France. Cette collection, qui s'inspire des films Harry Potter, le Seigneur des Anneaux et le Hobbit, combine l'univers des films emblématiques avec des matériaux de qualité supérieure et des artisans locaux. Cette collection unique, exclusive et en édition limitée est en vente depuis le 20 avril. Une Collection Innovante : Marier le Cinéma et la Fabrication Française Une fratrie française originaire de Bourgogne a été à l’origine de cette idée innovante. L'une des sœurs a effectué une préparation à Louis Legrand et la passion pour la fabrication française depuis toujours, tandis que leurs deux frères viennent d'agences de création publicitaire. Ensemble, ils ont eu l'idée de marier leur passion du cinéma avec leur amour pour la fabrication et le design français. La collection comprend des meubles et des accessoires de maison haut de gamme qui amènent l'univers cinématographique et l'élégance subtile dans nos intérieurs.

Furniture and decorative objects inspired by the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter

Fantastic Home recently launched its first home décor collection, made exclusively in France. The collection, which is inspired by the Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit films, combines the world of the iconic films with high-quality materials and local artisans. This unique, exclusive, limited edition collection goes on sale April 20.

spaceship, millennium falcon, toy

The Millennium Falcon: The iconic Star Wars spaceship

In the Star Wars saga, the Millennium Falcon was a smuggling ship that would later strengthen the ranks of the rebels. But Solo and Lando’s beloved machine had a very different function before it fell into their hands.


Most wanted Game of Thrones action figures: Who are the most popular characters?

Game of Thrones is a cult fantasy series based on the novels by George R. Martin, about the power game between the great houses of Westeros for the famous Iron Throne. This cult series is one of the oldest and most popular licenses represented by Funko, and we find that all the fan-favorite characters, such as Daenerys, Jon Snow or Tyrion, have a better version than the other.